A Deep Dive Into The Fascinating World Of Sea Creatures

A Deep Dive Into The Fascinating World Of Sea Creatures

Dive into the depths of the ocean and learn about some of its most fascinating inhabitants - anglerfish, dolphins and whales.

 Fascinating Facts About The Anglerfish, Dolphin and Blue Whale

Our upcoming pictorial archive about sea creatures inspired today's blog post, we're working hard to restore these beautiful images for you to enjoy, and you can preview some below. Sea creatures are some of the world's most fascinating and unique animals - from the massive blue whale to the tiny anglerfish and graceful dolphin; these creatures have adapted to life in the sea in unique ways. 

How Did Anglerfish Get Their Name?

Anglerfish live in oceans worldwide, from tropical to temperate waters. Their name drives from their distinctive "fishing rod" appendage on female anglerfish - a piece of dorsal spine known as a lure.

What Makes An Anglerfish Special?

Anglerfish are highly adapted to their environment and live between 1000-4000 meters below the sea's surface. At this depth, it's incredibly dark, but the bacteria inside their lure generate light via bioluminescence. They can pulsate this light and attract prey. Anglerfish have giant mouths and very sharp teeth, which they use to devour their prey whole. Due to their vast jaw and flexible body, anglerfish can eat animals that are twice their size, such as squids or cods. Their bodies are often lumpy and covered in warts and bumps.  Anglerfish are an essential part of the ocean ecosystem, and they help keep populations of other animals in check and their waste provides nutrients that support other marine life. 

How Do Anglerfish Mate?

Some species of anglerfish fuse during mating. A male anglerfish will bite into the relatively bigger body of a female and fuse to her body. The male loses his organs and becomes a sexual parasite, providing sperm for the female. A female anglerfish can host more than one male. In the Cryptopsaras species, females can host up to eight parasitic mates.

The Anglerfish 


How Do Dolphins Protect Themselves?

Dolphins are very intelligent and have a brain size to body ratio not much smaller than humans. They live in oceans worldwide, even Antarctic waters, which is the home of the hourglass dolphin. Dolphins are very social animals and use body language, echolocation and whistling to communicate with each other.
Dolphins protect themselves from predators (tiger, dusky, bull, and great white sharks) by forming groups and using their powerful tails to swim fast and fighting off attacks. A pod is a name for a group of dolphins; pods can have anywhere from two to 40 dolphins.

What Do Dolphins Eat?

A dolphin's diet depends on its environment, but they eat a variety of fish, including herring, cod, squid, and shrimp. They also eat crabs and lobsters. Dolphins use their beaks to snatch prey from the water. They are known for their acrobatic abilities, such as spinning, twisting and jumping out of the water. They play with each other to socialise and bond. Dolphins have helped humans in distress by pushing them to shore or encircling them to protect them from sharks.
A black and white etching of a pod of dolphins chasing a boat Dolphins chasing a boat

How Big Are Blue Whales?

Blue whales are truly unique animals. Blue whales are the largest animals on Earth; these massive creatures can grow up to 24 metres long and weigh over 150,000 kg. Blue whales usually swim singly or in pairs but have been known to travel in small groups. They live between 80-90 years in the wild, and are one of the loudest animals, with vocalisations that can reach up to 188 decibels; for context, the average human scream is 100 decibels!

What Do Blue Whales Eat?

These gentle giants mostly eat krill, a type of small shrimp-like crustacean. Blue whales can eat 4 tonnes of krill in a single day. They are filter feeders - diving deep into the ocean to find a large school of krill, then open their mouths wide and take in vast amounts of water (and krill) before pushing the water out through their baleen plates, which act as a filter to trap the krill.

How Can We Help Blue Whales?

Blue whales are an endangered species. Demand for their oil, meat and blubber in the early 20th century almost caused blue whales to be extinct. Today, they are at risk of injury and death from strikes from ships, getting entangled in fixed fishing gear and commercial whaling by Iceland, Japan, and Norway. We can help preserve whales by buying sustainable seafood and reducing the demand for trawler use, doing our part to keep oceans litter free and reducing CO2 emissions, which lead to ocean acidification and rising sea temperatures.

 Blue whale swimming in an expanse of water
By NOAA Photo Library - anim1754

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