An Introduction to Leonardo Da Vinci's Anatomical Drawings

An Introduction to Leonardo Da Vinci's Anatomical Drawings

Few artists have been as influential as Leonardo da Vinci. His work in various disciplines - from painting and sculpture to engineering and architecture - has inspired generations of creators. He is also well known for his groundbreaking anatomical drawings. However, his revolutionary anatomical sketches remained a secret for centuries, only to be rediscovered in the modern era and finally receive their due recognition as one of history's most influential contributions to scientific knowledge. Read on to discover more! 
How Leonardo da Vinci Combined Art, Anatomy and Symbolism

How Leonardo da Vinci Combined Art, Anatomy and Symbolism

Leonardo da Vinci was a remarkable individual whose genius spanned multiple disciplines. He continues to be revered as one of the most accomplished minds in history. This blog post will focus on three of his works, The Vitruvian Man, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.