How Mastering Typography will Improve Your Artwork: A Guide for Illustrators, Artists, Designers and Tattoo Artists

How Mastering Typography will Improve Your Artwork: A Guide for Illustrators, Artists, Designers and Tattoo Artists

The importance of well-crafted imagery in tattoo artistry, graphic design, and illustration is undisputed. However, a critical component that often gets overlooked by even the most skilled artists is typography and lettering. Discover why a lack of focus on typography and lettering might be holding back your work from being the best it could be.
The Evolution and Origins of Blackletter Typeface: From Medieval Mastery to Modern Adaptations
Art History

The Evolution and Origins of Blackletter Typeface: From Medieval Mastery to Modern Adaptations

Join us on a journey through the history of Blackletter typography. We'll examine some examples of Blackletter text and explore their origins and uses, both historical and contemporary. Let's go!