
The Evolution of Anatomical Illustrations: From Vesalius to Gray's Anatomy
Anatomical illustrations are an essential resource in the study of human anatomy. This article will examine the evolution of anatomical illustrations from the Renaissance to the 19th century to observe the developments in scientific understanding, changes in artistic expression, and technological innovation.

Anatomical Theatres and Public Dissections: A Glimpse into the Origins of Dissection in Europe
Physicians have long known that dissection is essential to further their medical knowledge. Today, we'll discuss the origins of dissection in Europe, describe an anatomical theatre and a dissection, and present evidence that debunks a popular myth about dissection. Let's go!

Andreas Vesalius: The Founder of Modern Anatomy
Andreas Vesalius is considered the founder of modern anatomy. He was an anatomist and physician who played a pivotal role in progressing our understanding of human anatomy. His work challenged the era's prevailing medical beliefs and introduced practices that resulted in a more accurate understanding of the human body. This blog post will discuss Vesalius's training as an atomist, the significance of dissection in his study and teaching methods, and the revolutionary impact of his published works.

An Introduction to Death Customs in Ancient Egypt
Death in ancient Egypt was an inevitable part of life and a gateway to the afterlife. Many people prepared the deceased for what awaited them in the world beyond, especially if they were royalty. This article will discuss the mummification process for preparing the human body for the afterlife and the contents of royal tombs. Because we love spooky mysteries, we will also discuss the infamous curse of King Tutankhamun's tomb. Read on to explore the intriguing world of Egyptian mortuary customs!

Figure Drawing: An Introduction
Figure drawing depicts the human figure and is an essential foundation for many other art forms such as painting, sculpture and illustration. An understanding of figure drawing and the various poses, shapes and angles of the human body helps artists accurately depict the human body in their artwork and create works with more realism and emotion and higher levels of aesthetic sophistication. Figure drawing also helps artists master various techniques, such as shading and perspective.

An Introduction to Leonardo Da Vinci's Anatomical Drawings
Few artists have been as influential as Leonardo da Vinci. His work in various disciplines - from painting and sculpture to engineering and architecture - has inspired generations of creators. He is also well known for his groundbreaking anatomical drawings. However, his revolutionary anatomical sketches remained a secret for centuries, only to be rediscovered in the modern era and finally receive their due recognition as one of history's most influential contributions to scientific knowledge. Read on to discover more!

How Leonardo da Vinci Combined Art, Anatomy and Symbolism
Leonardo da Vinci was a remarkable individual whose genius spanned multiple disciplines. He continues to be revered as one of the most accomplished minds in history. This blog post will focus on three of his works, The Vitruvian Man, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

Find Out How Your Bones Grow And Discover Amazing Facts About Your Skeleton
This blog post will help you discover the intricate framework of the human skeleton and learn about the fascinating growth process of bones. Find out how forensic science helped solve a famous mystery, and how that same technique is used today to fight crime. Plus, we've collected ten amazing facts about the human skeleton, read on to find out more!

Surgery of the Past: Trepanning
Some of the earliest examples of surgery come from ancient Egypt, with documents and skeletal remains showing evidence of dentistry. Sushruta Samhita is an ancient Sanskrit text by Sushruta, an Indian surgeon and physician working in the 6th Century BCE, known as the 'Father of Surgery'. His book describes preventative measures, diagnosis and treatment of various ailments, including essential and cosmetic surgeries.