Greek Mythology in Art: Scenes That Have Inspired Artists (Part II)
Ancient Greece

Greek Mythology in Art: Scenes That Have Inspired Artists (Part II)

Many Greek and Roman mythology characters have been depicted in art throughout the ages, and these characters often hold great significance in ancient and modern cultures. Some of these figures are more well-known than others, but all offer a fascinating glimpse into the fantastic and magical world of mythology
Daguerreotypes: Early Photography Explained

Daguerreotypes: Early Photography Explained

The daguerreotype was introduced in 1839 by Louis Daguerre. It was the first publicly available photographic process and quickly became popular among those interested in photography. The name "daguerreotype" refers to both the process used to create the images and the final product.
Gone In (Under) 60 Seconds: The 1994 theft of 'The Scream'

Gone In (Under) 60 Seconds: The 1994 theft of 'The Scream'

Edvard Munch was a Norwegian Expressionist painter who created the iconic painting, 'The Scream' in 1893. The work was inspired by an experience where Munch felt overwhelmed by "the infinite scream of nature." Today, we'll learn about the theft of The Scream from the National Museum of Norway.
Hidden Mysteries Inside Masterpieces

Hidden Mysteries Inside Masterpieces

We'll take a closer look at some well-known paintings and reveal their amazing secrets hidden in plain sight for hundreds of years. Read on to hear music hidden in a 500-year-old picture, speculate on what a medieval UFO may have looked like, and see if you can find the self-portrait hidden inside a painting.
From Mummy Brown to Radium Green: The Amazing Origins of Five Paint Colours

From Mummy Brown to Radium Green: The Amazing Origins of Five Paint Colours

Do you know the origins of your favourite paint colours? Many of us take for granted the various hues we see daily. This blog post will explore the grisly and fascinating origins of five popular paint colours. From mummy brown to radium green, each shade has a unique story to tell!
The unsolved mystery of a $500 million art heist

The unsolved mystery of a $500 million art heist

On March 18th, 1990, two men disguised as police officers entered the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, USA and stole 13 works of art worth $500 million. It was the largest art theft in history, and the museum has offered a $10 million reward for information leading to the return of the works. This mystery has fascinated art lovers for years, and despite the FBI's best efforts, it remains unsolved. Read on to find out about the stolen works and how it happened.
Intaglio Printing: The History and Process

Intaglio Printing: The History and Process

 People have used intaglio printing techniques for hundreds of years; some early examples of intaglio printing include playing cards made in Germany in the 1430s using drypoint. Several types of intaglio printing include etching, drypoint, engraving, aquatint and mezzotint. This blog post will introduce each type of printing method and then explain how to create an intaglio print.
Greek & Roman Mythology in Art: Scenes That Inspired Artists (Part I)
Ancient Greece

Greek & Roman Mythology in Art: Scenes That Inspired Artists (Part I)

If you're a fan of Greek mythology, you'll know that the stories are full of powerful scenes that have inspired artists for centuries. From tales of love and tragedy to epic battles between gods and mortals, these stories have captured the imaginations of artists from all over the world. In this blog post, we're going to take a look at some of the most iconic scenes from Greek mythology and see how they've been reimagined in art.
How Making Art Can Improve Mental Health

How Making Art Can Improve Mental Health

Art can be a powerful tool for reducing stress. Whether it's painting, sculpting, drawing, or any other form of art, creating can help to calm and centre the mind. The focus required to produce a piece of art can help to distract from worries and anxieties, providing a much-needed sense of relief. Read on to find out why!