The Origins of Botanical Illustration

The Origins of Botanical Illustration

Early herbals and pharmacopoeia of many cultures have included the depiction of plants. This was intended to assist the identification of a species, usually with some medicinal purpose. In this article, we'll learn about when the interest in botanical images became widespread, and the unique prespective botanical illustration provides. 
What is a Monster?

What is a Monster?

A monster is typically depicted as a grotesque creature that possesses a destructive power that threatens humanity's social order or moral conduct. Within folklore, they are often portrayed as deformed, supernatural, mutant entities of the lowest class.
Introducing our top five favourite Greek gods
Ancient Greece

Introducing our top five favourite Greek gods

Read on for an introduction to our top five favourite Greek gods. Learn their Roman names, roles, sacred duties, symbols and more.
Fascinating facts about tropical fish

Fascinating facts about tropical fish

Learn about our top five favourite tropical fish! Read on to hear how fish help maintain a balanced eco system and find out the connection between 19th century convicts and a small white fish.
What are the five most venomous land snakes?

What are the five most venomous land snakes?

There are over 3,000 species of snake worldwide. Of the 600 poisonous types, only 200 species have venom strong enough to harm or kill a human - and the top three most venomous snakes on Earth are all native to one country - read on to find out which one. 
A Brief History of Anatomy Illustration

A Brief History of Anatomy Illustration

The desire to understand and study anatomy stretches back through history, certainly to Ancient Egypt and possibly before.
Toe-curling facts about early dentistry

Toe-curling facts about early dentistry

After reading through our favourite strange and toe-curling facts about dentistry of the past, you may find yourself brushing your teeth extra thoroughly. 
Will you solve one of the world's most difficult and mysterious puzzles? Introducing Cicada 3301

Will you solve one of the world's most difficult and mysterious puzzles? Introducing Cicada 3301

Do you fancy yourself as a puzzle solver? Here's your chance to try your hand at one of the internet's most difficult unsolved puzzles and join a mysterious top-secret club. Three puzzles were set, but one remains unsolved. 
Fascinating flower facts: the Venus Flytrap, the Rose and the Stinking Corpse Lily

Fascinating flower facts: the Venus Flytrap, the Rose and the Stinking Corpse Lily

A Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is a magnificent carnivorous plant with hinged leaves edged with spikes. The inside of a Venus Flytrap is red and full of sweet and fragrant nectar, enticing flies and small aphids who think they have found a flower.